Upon successful completion of this course, the student should have:
• A better understanding of the entire information system development process: from the identification of the business problems and needs to the design of an improved system to the (basic) writing of computer programs.
• Improved technical communication skills. The ability to communicate with both technical and non-technical people should be improved through the proper use of the tools. Writing and speaking skills may also be enhanced as you learn how to present your documentation to your instructor.
• Improved programming skills. Programmers understand how to read and modify the design documentation prepared by a systems analyst. Programmers frequently find themselves redoing poorly prepared or incomplete design specifications. This is not a programming course but you will have the opportunity to improve programming skills by implementing your design.
• A better understanding of information systems in general. You will learn many capabilities and characteristics of good information systems. This will help you design more effective systems.
Integrated Educational Experience Student Learning Outcome Goals
The course goals and objectives that meet the following are in BOLD. GGC’s Integrated Educational Experience produces civically engaged graduates who:
• IEE1: Clearly communicate ideas in written and oral form.
• IEE2: Demonstrate creativity and critical thinking in inter- and multi-disciplinary contexts.
• IEE3: Demonstrate effective use of information technology.
• IEE4: Demonstrate an ability to collaborate in diverse and global contexts.
• IEE5: Demonstrate an understanding of human and institutional decision making from multiple perspectives.
• IEE6: Demonstrate an understanding of moral and ethical principles.
• IEE7: Demonstrate and apply leadership principles.