Citizenship: This is IMPORTANT…Each student is responsible for showing consideration and respect to other students and for the learning environment. This includes no sidebar conversations, jokes, whispering, doing homework for other classes, reading the newspaper or books, playing with cell phones, texting, or other use of electronic devices or participating in other distracting behaviors during the class.
If a student is observed doing any of these disruptive behaviors, the student may be asked to leave class; at minimum disruptive students will receive a “0” for the day’s participation (and become ineligible for the perfect attendance bonus points). Your grade for ICA depends entirely on a) how well you prepared by reading the assignment and b) your good citizenship toward your classmates and instructor.
Disruptive or Distracting Behavior: YOU MUST TURN OFF or silence cell phones, pagers, & other distracting electronic devices, including laptops (when not being used for class assignments). The classroom may be equipped with desktop computers. If so, students must turn off the computer screens and not use the computers unless instructed to do so by the instructor. DO NOT SURF THE WEB (i.e. Facebook, ESPN, etc.). DO NOT text your friends/family during class. Laptops may be brought to class, but should only be used for class activities during class time. Failure to abide by these few, simple rules may result in you being asked to leave the classroom. The clicking of keyboards when others are speaking is extremely annoying and distracting to all in the room!
Being asked to leave class counts as an absence and may result in a Code of Conduct Violation Report.