Your attendance in class to take exams is required. However, some accommodation may be made for excused misses. Unexcused misses create unnecessary work and coordination problems and are, thus, penalized accordingly. Here are examples:
Excused Exam Miss: Examples of an excused missed exam include (but are not limited to) situations where you are very sick and under a doctor’s care, you are in a serious accident, or you have a death in your immediate family – parent, grandparent, guardian, or sibling, or are on an excused GGC-related trip. Written medical excuses from a doctor will be required for missed exams due to medical issues. For other excused misses, a copy of a police report for accidents or a copy of an obituary with your name as an immediate family member of the deceased is required. For GGC-related absences, provide the “official” notification from the trip sponsor. If a student has an excused missed exam, he or she will be given a different exam from the one they missed.
Unexcused Exam Miss: Examples of unexcused misses include (but are not limited to): couldn’t find a parking place, traffic was terrible, forgot about the exam, sick pet, lost book, woke up late, broke up with girlfriend/boyfriend previous night, you partied too hard the night before and woke up in a strange place, etc. For an unexcused absence for an exam, a make-up exam may or may not be given at the discretion of the instructor. This decision is based on your attendance and/or behavior in the class prior to the exam. A decision to give a make-up exam results in you having 20% penalty on that exam grade (for example, you score an 80 and now are penalized -20 points resulting in you earning a 60 on the make-up exam). This policy will only count for one missed midterm exam. A decision to not give a make-up exam and/or any additional missed exams results in a 0 on missed exam(s).